Friday, July 22, 2011

That Man | Geu Namja


Hello viewers ♥ sorry lama tak update . 
Blogwalking pun dah kurang woo :(
Traffic pun dah down -.-"
Lately busy sikit . Almaklumlah dah start sem baru .
Sem tiga on my second year ! 
Whoaa dah senior babe ! HAHA 

#entry release tension

I just love that one man . I love him wholeheartedly . I follow her around like a shadow everyday . That woman is laughing and crying . Just how much more do I have to gaze at you alone . This love that came like the wind, this beggar like love . If I continue this way, will you love me? Just come a little nearer , one step closer but flee with two legs . 
I am who love you , next to you now . That woman who comes , that man is cautious , that’s why you have to learn to smile . What he can’t tell his best friend , his heart’s full of tears. That’s why, that man , when he loved you the same way , yet another fool , yet another fool . Can’t you hug me before you go? I want to receive love everyday in my heart, just in my heart , I shout and that man’s next to me again. That man’s not me , its not that he knows , he don’t know cause he’s a fool . 
Just how much more do I have to gaze at you alone . This love that came like the wind , this beggar like love . If I continue this way, will you love me? Just come a little nearer . One step closer but flee with two legs . I who love you am next to you now . That man who comes.
*credit - that man lyric
I really love this song and I feel that it can move my heart on every time I listen to it . 

Sorry , entry kali ni tak ada MV . Sebab lagu ni memang tak pernah wujud video klip rasmi pun . 
So layan je la okay :)

Till then ! ByeBye ♥

Don't Be a Silent Reader Because You Have an Identity

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